- Boosting Our Market Position as a Power Solutions Provider
- Leading New Markets through Convergence and Combination
- Expansion of Global Markets
- Securing Operational Excellence

We are leading the way towards a new future through innovations that exceed our customers’ expectations.

We are creating an efficient convenient future through ICT convergence and the integration of sophisticated technologies.

We are creating an abundant future by delivering safe clean energy.
Vision 2020

We are leading the way towards a new future through innovations that exceed our customers’ expectations.
We are creating an efficient convenient future through ICT convergence and the integration of sophisticated technologies.
We are creating an abundant future by delivering safe clean energy.
We vow to achieve sales of USD 6 billion and operating profits of USD 500 million in 2020.
Boosting Our Market Position as a Power Solutions Provider
We aim to evolve from a device-orientated business to a solution-oriented business.
We will shift from the business of providing single products to an integrated solutions provider of devices, software, communication devices sensors, and systems.
Leading New Markets through Convergence and Combination
We plan to secure smart grids and automation solutions by adopting cutting-edge convergence and combination technologies.
We will seize new market opportunities in line with the increasing demand for intelligent power grids, new and renewable energy, manufacturing innovation, and efficient energy.
Expansion of Global Markets
We aim to become one of the very best global corporations, by implementing strategies appropriate to different overseas regions. In the Asian markets, we will focus on the power distribution and automation business, thereby strengthening our market leadership; in the Middle East and African markets, we will focus on the power transmission and transformation EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) markets in a bid to secure our status as a global player; in the American markets, we will focus on key strategic markets to further boost our growth; and in the European/CIS markets, we will secure a foundation on which to create opportunities for a huge leap forward.
Securing Operational Excellence
We will construct world-class operation systems, instill all our employees with global communication capabilities and creative and convergence thinking, and secure world-class product competiveness based on our world-class QCD (Quality, Cost, and Delivery).
Furthermore, we will rapidly enhance the levels of our operational processes, including our integrated management system; pursue sustainable growth; and conduct crisis management.
Core Value
LSIS’s key values are collaboration (people who work together), execution (people who act boldly), creativity (people who innovate), and integrity (people who are trustworthy). These four values are the core principles governing all our work activities.

LSpartnership is the management philosophy of LS, Which creates ‘Greater Value Together’.
LSpartnership is
LSpartnership is about achieving exceptional performance based on mutual respect, care and trust by LS people who value integrity and a sense of ownership by creating a greater value together, externally, through cooperation and open minds.
LSpartnership pursues true partnerships based on action.
Together with its global partners around the world, all those at LS will seek greater value for the next generation through collaborative relationships.
Environmental Safety Policy
LSIS places its highest priority on quality, environmental and safety concerns to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities. Based on the strict observance of environmental laws and regulations, we have also established company-wide environmental policies as shown in [Table 1-1], and operate specific environmental management programs in order to conduct sustainable management practices. We continue to conduct environmentally-friendly management and our entire staff practices environmental safety.
Environmental Policy
Award Winning environmentally-Friendly Company
- LSIS was designated as an exemplary environmental management company by the Ministry of Environment in 1991.
- We earned the ISO 14001 environmental management system in 1996.
- We were declared as an environmentally-friendly workplace and were designated as an environmentally-friendly company in 1997.
- We won the Environmental Grand Award of Cheongju in 1999 after fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities and continuing to practice environmentally-friendly management.
- We won the Environmental Management Grand Award of the National Quality Management Competition in 2002.
- Our CEO declared the environmentally-friendly “Green Purchase Policy,” and we concluded agreements with partners to ban the use of six hazardous substances In 2005. We declared our RoHS Compliance in April 2006, and have structured our production systems in line with RoHS.
- EU RoHS declared Directive 2011/65/EU, Directive 2015/863/EU and its subsequent amendments.
- The four additional restricted substances (DEHP, BBP, DBP, and DIBP) in subsequent amendments may have a negative impact on the recycling of EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) waste, human health, and the environment if used in EEE.
- Therefore, In accordance with RoHS directive 2015/863/EU, the use of those substances in EEE should be restricted.
- Homogeneous materials of parts compliant to this directive have less than 0.1 % by weight each of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB, PBDE, DEHP, BBP, DBP, DIBP and 0.01 % by weight of cadmium. Herewith, we confirm that all of our products do not exceed the maximum values of the RoHS directive. These values do not apply to the exemptions listed in Annex III of the RoHS directive.
- In this way, we continue to practice environmentally-friendly management activities.
Environmental Safety Process and its Operation
As part of our environmental safety process, we have established environmental safety indices to meet the legal, customer and management system requirements, and have designed and now operate the process as shown in [Table 1-2] in consideration of environmental and safety issues. We place top priority on the environment and safety at every stage of our management activities. To reduce the impact of corporate activities on the environment, we evaluate environmental factors from the development of product to production, sale, and service activities, develop environmentally-friendly products, change hazardous processes and raw materials, reduce the emission of pollutants, actively invest in cutting down our dependence on limited resources, and launch improvement campaigns.
Outline of Environmental Safety Process by Stage
We have embraced the company vision of a “Leader in electricity and automation to create a pleasant, productive industrial society through the provision of total solutions. ”
To that end, we conduct campaigns to save resources and reduce waste, and are committed to reducing the emission of environmental pollutants and to developing and producing and environmentally-friendly products and services and structuring a safe, pleasant workplace environment in order to pursue the balanced development of the environment, economy and society. Furthermore, we are striving to develop into a global environmentally-friendly corporation that gives serious thought and consideration to the future of humanity and the global environment.
Our company also produced environmentally-friendly products (76%) by investing in environmentally-friendly management. We use energy-saving products, environment-mark products, and environmental refill products to contribute to environmental conservation campaigns, and we recycle 80% of our waste emissions, thereby reducing the level of pollutants emitted into the environment.
With the backing of our accumulated capabilities, we are dedicated to further developing environmentally-friendly products to secure a global product competitive edge. We are working to earn the solid trust of our customers and become a world-class environmentally-friendly and safety-conscious corporation by conducting environmental improvement activities, structuring an industrial accident-free workplace, establishing pollutant unit-based management systems, and creating a total management system embracing environment, safety, and quality.
Management of Hazardous Substances
In order to provide environmentally-friendly products to our customers, we survey the environmental impact of developed products to reduce waste and boost recycling, with the focus on ease of decomposition and energy efficiency. We are conducting our campaigns in response to EU WEEE and RoHS directives. In particular, to prevent the use of hazardous substances in product manufacture, we analyze the hazardous substance contained in individual materials form the developmental stage, and register the contingent data in Data Mart for management.
We have structured a system for verification of the hazardous substance of developed products [Figure 1-1]. As such 76% of our products are produced in a way that ensures they are environmentally-friendly. We use energy-saving products, environment-mark products, and environmentally-friendly refill product as part of our contribution to environmental conservation campaigns.
Our company also produces environmentally-friendly products (76%) by investing in environmentally-friendly management. We use energy-saving products, environment- mark products, and environmental refill products to contribute to environmental conservation campaigns, and we recycle 80% of our waste emissions, thereby reducing the level of pollutants emitted into the environment.
With the backing of our accumulated capabilities, we are dedicated to further developing environmentally-friendly products to secure a global product competitive edge. We are working to earn the solid trust of our customers and become a world-class environmentally-friendly and safety-conscious corporation by conducting environmental improvement activities, structuring an industrial accident-free workplace, establishing pollutant unit-based management systems, and creating a total management system embracing environment, safety, and quality.
Management of Environmental Performance Indices
With the environmental and safety management indices for production activities set as shown in [Table 1-3], we continueto monitor and analyze trends and manage performance.
Environmental and Safety Process Performance Indices and Measurement Criteria
Cases of Environmentally-friendly Products and Processes
01 Environmentally-friendly Product Design and Production Activities.
- Production of RoHS-compliant products :
- Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)
- Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
- Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
- Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB)
- Residual Current Circuit Breaker with overcurrent protection (RCBO)
- Magnetic Switch (MC, TOR)
- Manual Motor Starter (MMS)
- Surge Protective Device (SPD)
- Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)
- Protection & Measurement Device (IED)
- Human Machine Interface (HMI)
- DC Relay
- Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
- Variable Frequency Drive (AC Driver)
- Inverter (PCU) GEI Series
- Servo Drive & Motor & Gearbox
- High energy-efficient products : amorphous transformers, inverters, etc.
- Minimizing air pollution by cutting SF6 gas : GIS, automatic load transfer switches, etc.
- Saving raw materials and reducing waste by ensuring compact features : development of economic distribution boards and high voltage power circuit breakers
- Enhancing recycling rates by changing and developing raw materials : development of high-voltage power circuit switches, etc.
02 Environmentally-friendly management activities through improvement of production processes, and development and application of “clean” technologies.
We have rationalized and improved our production processes including the painting process, thereby reducing waste. We have continued to develop “clean” technologies to minimize air pollution, and have structured the corresponding production systems
03 Environmentally-friendly management activities by replacing, or reducing the use of, hazardous raw and supplementary materials.04 Activities conducted in voluntary compliance with energy agreements.05 Support for community campaigns to conserve the environment, etc.
Integrated Sustainability Management
Under the primary objective of sustainability management to become a respected company built upon strong trust from its stakeholders, LSIS has set up three strategic directions of “stakeholder engagement,” “sustainability image enhancement,” and “integrated risk management” as well as stakeholder-specific action plans for continuous stakeholder engagement in its pursuit of shared growth.

Roadmap for Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management Implementation System

LSIS operates the sustainability management system where sustainability issues and stakeholder voices are swiftly delivered to the Board of Directors for efficient decision-makings. The Sustainability Management Council, supervised by the CSO and comprised of leaders and staff members of core teams in each category, engages in gathering stakeholder opinions, developing strategic plans, and conducting detailed practices. The agenda formed by the council is passed on to the Management Committee, comprised of executives, to discuss performance and budgeting. The results are then reported to the supreme decision-making body, Board of Directors, so that they may ascertain and manage LSIS sustainability performances.
Sustainability Management Council
At LSIS we operate the sustainability management system to raise visibility of sustainability issues and stakeholder voices to the Board of Directors for efficient decision-makings. The Sustainability Management Council is participated by staff members of all core teams including Stakeholder Engagement Team. In 2016, the Council met relevant staff from core teams, checked progress made in each area, and discussed detailed implementation plans to further sustainability management execution.

LSIS is committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and always strives to explore what it can do about them.

Platinum Award from LACP 2016 Impact Awards

Our 2015-2016 LSIS Sustainability Report published in 2016 received the Platinum Award at the 2016 Impact Awards hosted by the US-based League of American Communications Professionals (LACP), a global marketing research organization that evaluates the competitiveness of public relations materials and communication materials of major companies including Fortune 500 companies. The award came after the Gold Award granted for LSIS’s Sustainability Report published in 2015.